Rescuegrass is a problem every year, but this year seems it seems to be a little more severe.
Rescuegrass is a winter annual grassy weed that is rearing its ugly head right now. People often mistake it for crabgrass or dallisgrass, as it does have a similar appearance from a distance.
Since its an annual weed that grows from seed every year, it can be prevented with the FALL pre-emergent. Yards that have a severe infestation likely did not get a fall pre-emergent.
However, this year we are seeing some breakthrough on lawns that DID get the fall pre-emergent. Rescuegrass has the ability to grow with a very shallow root system, and it is using that ability to adapt and survive pre-emergent applications.
This means that though the rescuegrass in your lawn make look like a thriving, healthy weed…its actually a struggling weed with a very weak root system.
The best way to deal with it is not with an herbicide…its with your lawn mower! Get out there and mow, mow, mow! Mowing this weed down is going to give you the best results in controlling it.
Its also good to remember that the weather is on your side. The warmer it gets, the quicker this weed will die! So be patient!