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The easiest way for pests to invade your home.

When it comes to pests control, most people would choose to avoid giving pests 27/7-365 access into their homes. However, that is exactly the access that most pests have into most homes…and its all because of weep holes. 

Weep holes serve a good purpose for your home. They are designed to release unwanted moisture. Here is the problem…pests are attracted to just that..MOISTURE! Beyond those weep holes are dark, interior wall voids that make a prefect environment for pests to make their nests. 

There is good news, there are some steps you can take to keep pests from entering your home through weep holes. 

First, you can use stainless steel wool to plug the holes. This will allow the holes to breath, but keep pests from entering. You will definitely want to change them out a few times per year to avoid any build up or blockage that would prevent breathing. 

Another option is to use a product called Delta Dust. This is the product that we use in our exterior pest control program. Just a few puffs of Delta Dust in your weep holes will keep pests away for months. 

Remember, you have to be proactive in treating the exterior of your home in order to prevent pest infestations. Weep holes are the best place to start! 

Don't wait until pests are already wreaking havoc inside your home...

Call us TODAY for a FREE estimate on preventing pests from ever entering your home! As always, our Exterior Pest Control program comes with our no risk 100% money back guarantee!


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