A properly cared for lawn can increase your property’s value somewhat, due to the curb appeal effect, as everyone is already aware. But in some cases, the costs required for good lawn care can put some home owners off and make them prefer not to invest so much in the lawn, even though they would welcome the results of cultivating their yard’s potential. A regular professional lawn care plan can get as expensive as $4000-5000 a year, and some people prefer redirecting that amount to other purposes.
Our lawn care Mansfield TX experts have a few tips on how to play your part in lawn care, so professionals don’t need to be hired as often and so you can save up a bit on the total costs. If you try out these tips, you should be able to have a lawn as well cared for as the top notch ones, without investing so much financially. Here is what you can do to make your lawn stay greener during the hot and dry summers of the region.
Sometimes, home owners tend to over-fertilize, especially if they leave it to a not so professional lawn service provider. This is both costly and harmful to the delicate balance of your yard’s soil – there’s actually no need to fertilize if the pH of the soil is good enough (5.5 or higher). Before fertilizing, try performing some tests on the soil to see if it needs chalk or lime.
You can skip the chemicals and the budget strain they could produce by simply replacing them with natural byproducts of your bathroom and kitchen, or by simply leaving the grass clippings on the ground so that their nutrients get absorbed back into the soil. These methods also control weeds and are way more environmentally friendly than the expensive bottled up version.
Some of the nooks and crannies in your lawn can act as pest attractors, which can damage not only your lawn but your whole property, as well as posing a health risk. Professionals in lawn care, Mansfield TX say that instead of hiring people to get rid of the pests periodically, you could just hire a team to get rid of the pest attractors.
If you use part of your yard for flower beds or shrubs or landscaping arrangements, that will not only look very pretty, but also lower the needy surface of the lawn itself. There is an initial investment required for this strategy, true, but the costs cut by less lawn care will make it worth it in time.
If you allow the grass to always be at least 3 inches tall, it will need less watering, as well as stay greener during the hot months. Don’t be an over-eager mower and your budget as well as your lawn will be grateful.
These tips were offered to you by our team at Vista Turf Lawn & Pest, your local lawn care expert for the regions of Arlington, Mansfield, Cedar Hill and so on. If you need help with anything lawn care related, don’t hesitate to give us a call.